Twinsburg, Ohio

Twins Days 2000 ..."Reflection: 25 Years"

2,743 sets of registered multiples


The 2000 Twins Festival was exciting... but the weekend went by too fast. It was nice to have Heather with me this time ('Grammy' was babysitting- thanks, Mom!). We found that there were many 'first year' twins. Let's hope they all return next year! Some of our new friends are: Chris & John, Lloyd & Bruce, and the newly 'twins marrying twins': Darlene & Mark, and Diane & Craig. Congratulations! Heather and I participated in a new study and in doing so, got interviewed for a magazine article... Also, we spoke with Susan Y. Kohl, who is putting together a book of twin stories. When it comes out, take a look- and you will be able to read some of our stories! Andrew made it to the festival.. he almost got stuck in Greenland!!! I know Anthony was happy about that.. and so were Heather and I. The Hill Twins make Twins Days so much more fun. The Parties at the Hudson Holiday Inn were a hit once again. No Flats Fest this year... we all decided to stick around the hotel instead.. Saturday's partying lasted until 4am! It rained on Sunday.. so we skipped out earlier than usual.
We're both already looking forward to the 2001 festival!

Andrew, Leslie, Anthony & Heather- Friday night at the Holiday Inn
Tom and Larry - at the Holiday Inn
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Debbie & Lisa Ganz
Ray & Roy (S. Diego, CA) w/ Heather & Leslie
- Saturday Night at the Holiday Inn

Andrew & Anthony-
helping out at the 'Photo Button' booth
Darlene & Mark and Diane & Craig (The Sanders twins)
Kristy & Nicole with Heather & Leslie Jenn & Joanne; Galen, Nick & Jim; Kristy & Erica
Jason skipped out on the festival this year!
Bridget & Ingrid, Heather & Leslie,
and Anthony & Andrew

Having a good time despite the rain!
These 2 are so cute!
Ashley and Amanda (4 yrs old from Delphos, OH)
Beer Garden Group photo Sunday Night Bowling

*** The 2001 Twins Days Festival - "Double Fun in 2001" ***


The 2001 Twins Days Festival has come and gone... once again the weekend went by too fast! This was our 20th Twins Days Festival! We met up with alot of our 'twin' friends Friday night at the Hudson Holiday Inn- for the annual Friday night party. We were so happy to see that Anthony made it to Twinsburg! His wife is about 3 weeks away from having twin girls! But Anthony was able to spend a short time with us. We missed Andrew though- He stayed over in England. 2002 will be a big event- It'll be the Hill twins x 2!
We also met up with Chris & John C. These guys are fun! It was tough to say good-bye to them on Sunday.


*Susan Kohl's book signing: Twin Stories Susan had a nice reception at the Hilton Hotel on Saturday, where the twins featured in the book got free books autographed by Susan. I think Heather and I are mentioned in the book about 5 different times! Andrew & Anthony's stories are also mentioned in the book. I can't wait to read it!

*The parties at the Hudson Holiday Inn - FUN FUN FUN! The partying lasted until about 3-4am on Friday and Saturday. We met alot of new twins, and saw many old friends. People always ask us what this 'Twins Festival' is all about. It is all about socializing, celebrating 'twinness' and having a good time! Again, it was strange not having Andrew with us this year. We missed you, Andrew! Hopefully alot of the twins that weren't able to make it this year will make the trek to Twinsburg in 2002!

*The Twins Contests- Once again, Heather and I entered the "Most Look Alike" contest.. and didn't win... Next year we'll try again. A few of us think that the judges either need to change their 'judging' technique or else they need to have twins/multiples as judges.

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Leslie, Anthony & Heather-
Friday Night @ the Holiday Inn
Leslie & Heather w/ John & Charles R.
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Heather with Chris & John Leslie, Chris, John, & Heather

~~~~ SATURDAY- AUGUST 4, 2001 ~~~~

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Anthony w/ Susan Kohl, author of "Twin Stories" Cute little girls
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Keith & Kevin w/ Heather & Leslie
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Brian & Brad w/ ?? ?? Chris & John
~~~ Saturday night at the Holiday Inn ~~~

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Annual sing-a-long
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An interesting perspective...
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Jim & Jeff (LA, California) Heather & Leslie w/ ??
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??, Ron & Randy, ?? Leslie & Heather w/ ??
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Leslie & Heather w/ Tom & Larry Ganz twins w/ ??
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Tom & Larry ... Leslie & Heather (photo taken by Chris C)

~~~~ SUNDAY- AUGUST 5, 2001 ~~~~

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Leslie & Heather with Penny & Sandy
(from San Diego, CA)
Tom & Larry with Leslie & Heather
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Jenn & Joanne, John & Chris, Heather & Leslie Ray & Roy G. with Penny & Sandy (all from San Diego, CA)
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Tom & Larry with ?
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Chris & John w/ Jenn & Joanne Jenn & Joanne w/ Brian & Brad

I hope you've enjoyed the pictures from the 2000 & 2001 festivals!
Click the links below for photos from other Twins Days Festivals...

**1978-1999 Twins Days Photos    ~    2002 Twins Days Photos**

**2003 Twins Days Photos    ~    2004 Twins Days Photos**

**2005 Twins Days Photos    ~    2006 Twins Days Photos**

Questions or comments about our website or the festival? Please sign our GUESTBOOK!

~ If you know the names of any of the twins pictured -   please send Leslie an e-mail or sign our guestbook ~

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