~~~ "PRE" Twins Days ~~~
Anthony & his family at the Cleveland Zoo
~~~ Friday- AUGUST 2, 2002 ~~~ |
Can you believe we woke up at 5:30am to be on tv!? On the way to the golf course, we won a trivia contest on my favorite radio station- Q104 FM. I had some friends and relatives call and ask if that was Heather and I on GMA! How cool. |
7am at GlenEagle Golf Course... |
... to be on Good Morning America! |
Anthony & Andrew (West Virginia) |
John & Chris (Pittsburgh, PA & Cincinnati, OH) |
Heather & Leslie |
~~~ Friday- Welcome Weiner Roast at Dodge Middle School ~~~
As always, it was hot and alot of people showed up! An Independent Film was being shot in the Dodge Gymnasium- and they needed twins for the shot. We each got paid a penny to dance in a 100 degree gym for approximately 3 hours! As the night wore on, more and more people left. But, Heather and I lasted until the end. I'm not sure if I'll ever see the movie, but it was an experience! |
John & Chris with ???? |
Heather & Leslie with Dave & Dan |
Dave & Dan's WEIRD truck |
~~~ Friday night at the Hudson Holiday Inn ~~~
Leslie & Heather with Steve & Jeff |
Steve & Jeff- with their AWESOME shirts! Dayton, OH |
John & Chris Heather & Leslie |
~~~ SATURDAY- AUGUST 3, 2002 ~~~
Double Take Parade & Festival |
After about 4 hours of sleep, Heather and I decided to go to the Double Take Parade. In all the years that we have been coming to the festival, this was only the 3rd parade we've attended (1978 & 1996)! It was alot of fun, so I am sure we will be joining our friends in the parade from now on. Did I mention how hot it was?!
Andrew & Anthony |
Heather, John, Chris, & Leslie |
Andrew, Richie, & Anthony |
~~~ At the Festival ~~~ |
Twins contests - Most Alike Males 36-45 |
Chris & John |
Lane twins, Ganz twins, & the Ashford twins |
Keith & Kevin Heather & Leslie |
Nick & Jim Kristy & Erica |
Tom & Larry Leslie & Heather |
?? |
~~~ SATURDAY NIGHT -August 3, 2002~~~
Hudson Holiday Inn Party |
Karl & John- 1st year! Ontario, Canada |
Heather & Leslie |
Hill twins x2! Sanders twins x2 |
~~~ SUNDAY- AUGUST 4, 2002 ~~~
At the Festival & Cosmic Bowling |
Heather had to leave early to drive home to Indiana, so I was left to hang out with all our friends! I spent the day at the festival, then later had dinner with Nick and Jim. Afterwards, I went to the bowling alley to join Keith & Kevin and the others for a few games! This was the first time I've gone to the bowling event and it was a blast! Heather and I will definately stay late on Sunday to join all the other twins for bowling! I ended the 4th game with 3 strikes in a row... which is unheard of for me! After saying goodbye to everyone, I drove home... thinking that another Twins Days was over and another year to wait to see all my 'twin' friends again!
~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Kendell & Kirsten West Virginia |
Karl & John with Brian & Brad |
Karl & John with Leslie |
John(twin A) & David
My friend Diana, with her nephews (David & John) |
John & David |
Karl & John, Laura & Lena, and ?? |
Karl & John with w/ ? |
Colleen & Aileen |
Galen & Leslie |
Nick & Jim with ?? |
Nick & Jim, Galen & Leslie |
Leslie & Brandi (my bowling partner) |
Keith & Kevin Cincinnati, OH |
Keith & Kevin, Scott & Brian, Kristy & Erica, Debbie & Lisa |
Steve & Jeff with Debbie & Lisa |
Another Twins Days over... People often wonder why the festival is so special to twins. Heather and I look forward to the weekend throughout the year because it gives us an opportunity to reunite with GOOD friends and to meet new friends (Karl & John!)... It allows us to celebrate our special bond, one that is difficult to explain. Did I mention how fun it is? I think the pictures speak a thousand words. All the smiles and good times. It also gives us an excuse to go on a shopping spree once a year! As our friends Chris and John say, "The calendar revolves around Twins Days... 365 days and counting until Twins Days..." We're always sad on the last day of the festival- all the goodbyes and hugs... but we know that we'll be in touch with some of our twin friends throughout the year.. and we will see the others again in a year.